Quality and Quantity

For most of my life, I have felt good. But all that time I didn’t really know how good I felt. It took “precious” trials of life, such as cancer, to see how wonderful physical life truly is. So that is why I am not using a Jedi mind trick when I think positively about…

Finances for the Faithful

Ecclesiastes 10:16-18 compares the state of two nations. One is woefully prepared, having a child as king and princes feasting in the morning. The other is blessed, having a mature king of noble birth and princes feasting at the appropriate time. The conclusion, then, is that a nation needs appropriate controls in order to thrive….

Being Together

At the very beginning of humanity, God declared that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). It is important for us to have companionship and help that we cannot receive from any beast of the earth or bird of the air. This was one of the first things that Adam learned…

A Simple Yet Proper Perspective

Many, if not most, of the truths presented in God’s word are being attacked and dismissed by a growing number of people in our society.  A large number of these attacks are coming from various segments of the sciences including geology, biology, sociology, etc.  There is a growing segment of everyday people who simply accept…

Imitating God

Perhaps you have known of children who put on their parent’s shoes.  I can remember as a child trying to walk around our house in my father’s shoes.  It was a difficult task, as the shoes were rather large compared to my little feet.  Yet there was great enjoyment in this activity.  Certainly, it bemused…

Surviving the Assault

The Church as a whole suffers from an assault on two fronts.  As Christians, we need to be aware of these two fronts and how to turn back these assaults so that they do the Church no harm.  The first line of assault is always from an external source.  The world would happily overrun us,…