Hospital Gardening

Whatever we believe in our hearts is broadcast every day to those around us by the way we talk and live, no matter what those beliefs might be. People can see the fruit of our beliefs in the way we live. Either they are attracted to the way we live, or they are repelled by…

Quality and Quantity

For most of my life, I have felt good. But all that time I didn’t really know how good I felt. It took “precious” trials of life, such as cancer, to see how wonderful physical life truly is. So that is why I am not using a Jedi mind trick when I think positively about…

How Great is God?

There was a noteworthy debate on February 4th of this year at The Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY, between Bill Nye, a well-known personality and proponent of the theory of evolution, and Ken Ham, a proponent of scientific research in light of the Bible, or “Creation Science.” Both of these men conducted themselves as gentlemen…