bible study benefits

The Perfection of Ketchup

Malcolm Gladwell wrote in an article entitled “The Ketchup Conundrum,” “What was true about a yellow condiment that went on hot dogs was not true about a tomato condiment that went on hamburgers…I guess ketchup is ketchup” (What the Dog Saw, p. 50). The article details why ketchup lacks several varieties like mustard. Instead, one…

Cleansing Our Way

Cleansing Our Way

How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word” (Psalm 119:9). This scripture beckons us to think of prospects and possibilities beyond imagination. Youth is filled with promise. Energy and talent are ready to emerge. When youth has faded, there is an assurance of something more. Cleansing the way is…

The wrath of God

A Redacted God

Imagine the appeal of a drive-thru church tailored to fit today’s culture: “Welcome to McChurch’s, where you can have Him your way. May I take your petition, please?” “Hello, yes, I’d like to order a Savory Savior Burger with extra blessings and a side of forgiveness. Um. . . better super-size that this week. Oh,…

Is God a myth? Skepticism over the existence of God continues apace in the Western world with some churches falling prey to its advance.

Is God a Myth?

In the city where I live, there are many churches, a conglomeration of many faiths or beliefs. From the standpoint of soul saving, there is little excuse for some of them to exist, for they make no effort to bring people into a closer walk with God. In a recent edition of a weekly paper…