The power of the gospel is on display in the profound ways it changed polytheistic societies, transforming sinners into saints.

The Power of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1: 16).  The word power, as used in our text, is from the Greek word “dunamis”, and is used in the sense…

The facts of the gospel include Christ's birth, death, burial, resurrection, and more. Embrace the evidence that shapes our faith.

The Facts of the Gospel

“That which has actual existence,” thus the dictionary defines the word fact. The same dictionary gives  as a primary and basic definition for gospel, “good news, glad tidings, esp., the good news concerning Christ.”  Thus, we are concerned with facts relating to the good news brought by Jesus Christ.  Let us note some scriptures, “Fear…

Goodbye Death Valley recounts the author's trip through Death Valley and spiritual lessons he derived from the experience.

Goodbye, Death Valley

A wagon train reached the top of a mountain pass, and was prepared to descend into the valley below. One man of the party turned for one last look at the valley they had just left, and waving his hand with a gesture of great relief, cried, “Goodbye Death Valley.” This wagon train was composed…

Why do we believe? God establishes the foundation of faith in Jesus through signs and evidences. Strengthen your faith in the gospel accounts.

Why Do We Believe?

The vast majority of the readers of this article are believers in both God and Jesus as His son, the Christ. But do you know why you believe? We can believe in God through the evidences of the world about us. David, the king of ancient Israel, phrased it this way: “The heavens declare the…